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Justin Sotelo is a fine art photographer, whose interests and body of work range from creative portraiture to landscapes, and abstract subject matter. Raised in Northern CA, his academic and professional endeavors have taken him to Santa Barbara, Los Angeles, London, Baltimore, and New York City. Justin currently resides in the Sacramento area with his wife and daughter.


For several years, Justin has had a strong connection to photography and to the arts, in general. As a musician and visual artist, the desire to create has always been a driving force in his life. Through photography, Justin endeavors to create imagery that is vibrant and captivating. When not shooting, he enjoys writing music, playing guitar, researching future projects, and seeking out new areas of inspiration.

Justin teaches Beginning/Intermediate Digital Photography, Portfolio Development I & II, and Landscape Photography at Sacramento City College.

He has completed formal studies in the following:

M.A. English Education | Teachers College, Columbia University

B.A. Music (Guitar Performance) | University of Southern California

A.A. Photography | Sacramento City College

Certificates of Achievement (Commercial and Magazine Photography, Portrait and Wedding Photography, and Photography) | Sacramento City College

Additionally, he has pursued studies in photography through the New York Institute of Photography and San Francisco Art Institute.

Justin would be very happy to collaborate with you and fulfill your photographic info.

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